Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Webhost issues

I'm using myhosting.com and I'm going to document the problems I've experienced.

1) 13 March 2012 @GMT+8 11:00am to 3:00pm, network problem. Both my site and myhosting.com display a gateway timeout. I contacted myhosting.com and they admited there was a problem with it. This is a second time I experience this and it happen around the same time. I suspect that they were doing some maintenance.

A 'screwup' Ad

Once in a while, an Ad will screw up my blog causing some weird random problems. Here is the problem I encountered.

1) Ad on the first right side column. Causing both my right side column and footer to 'vanish'.

I'll be documenting future problems here.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

The importance of backup

I am not talking only about backing up to your computer. I'm talking about backing up your computer to another location.

My HDD crashed and all my backups from my past blogs are totally gone. Time to invest on a home NAS. Lost data is going to set me back on my blog progression.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A more efficient way to track my banner ad?

In my previous post, I use a simple way of tracking my banner ad - that is to check if the number of referrals went up. However, this may not be very accurate. Also, my advertiser inform me that he would prefer that I give him a html code. That's when I found ClixTrac. The free service should be good enough for me.

  • Track clicks on each banner or link for up to 7 days or 100 clicks.

  • Track views/impressions on each banner for up to 7 days or 500 impressions.

  • I wonder if it will still work after 7 days or 100 clicks. Only one way to find out.

    Start Date: 01-29-2012 Expires: 02-05-2012
    I realize that  there is a time stamp in my Ad. Meaning, it will no longer be free after 7 days.

    Back to the drawing board again.

    Update 30 Jan 2012
    There ain't any free service out there and it's not worthwhile to subscribe to services like ClixTrac and ClickMeter to track just one ad. I will stick to my original simple tracking.

    Thursday, 26 January 2012

    Ad Campaign

    It's not my first ad campaign but it will be the first that I am going to track properly. This blog is quite popular and I'm thankful that the owner is kind enough to allow me to advertise my site for a nominal fee. I am going to try it out for three months first before deciding to continue for the rest of the year.

    Here's the results before the ads went live.

      Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Nov-11 Dec-11 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12
    Referral Visits 909 1,045 1,227 590 526 471 391      
    All traffic 19,500 19,408 20,681 17,797 17,652 17,807 23,032      
    % 4.66% 5.38% 5.93% 3.32% 2.98% 2.65% 1.70%      

    It will be interesting to find out if the total referral visits will increase and how much does it contribute to the overall traffic.

    Saturday, 14 January 2012

    Increasing my feedburner email subscribers - an unexpected result

    Have you ever notice those side bar tabs on some of the blogs? They are useful for two purpose

    1) Reduce the clatter of having additional widgets on your side-bar
    2) Increase visibility or at least I hope it would do.

    There are a couple of plugins available and I decided to use Share and Follow plugin because of its popularity. It's basically a plugin to share your blog using all the various social media available. As my focus is on increasing my feedburner email subscribers, I tweaked it to link it to a page on my site instead of directly to a social media portal.  The results were astonishing. Within three days, my feedburner subscribers jump from 801 to 874. However, upon further investigation, my email subscriber only increase by one. It would seem that most are not comfortable in subscribing via email and are subscribing via readers. I am particular on this and consider the implementation a success.

    I will let it run for another week or two, or until I reach the magical 1K subscribers. After which will be Facebook.

    Wednesday, 11 January 2012

    ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.

    Trying to figure out which account is using this email so that I can update my Gravatar. Realised I can sort by email but I got the error message above.

    Creating new users in WordPress with the same email account is no longer possible but there is a little trick:
    There is a trick that works with Gmail (and possibly other email providers) to let you use one email address as though it were several different addresses. Gmail lets you add “+something” to your mailbox name and still get your mail. For example, joe@gmail.com and joe+wordpress@gmail.com and joe+secretblog@gmail.com each look like different addresses to our system but they all route mail to the same inbox: joe@gmail.com.

    Source: http://en.support.wordpress.com/email-address/

    Improving Site Speed

    After updating WordPress, I realize that my site loaded slower. I notice several spikes in CPU usage when extracting new feeds. However, on the average, my resource utilization is pretty low. I inform my webhost about it and I specifically tell them that upgrading more resources is the last thing I want to do.

    They were kind enough to do this for me:

    We have optimized apache and Mysql configurations on your server and now we can see that your domains are loading fine without any slowness. We have increased the following values in Mysql configuration file.


    Currently you are using word press site, some themes and Plugins may cause domain slowness. You may please try to disable and re-enable each themes and plugins which helps to find out which one causing domain slowness.

    You can view your domain statics or logs through Webalizer Stats option available in cPanel. Please follow the below steps to view the same.

    1. login to cPanel account of your domain

    2. Click on Webalizer under logs section >> and then click on view.

    Could you please check and let us know if you still face any difficulties ?

    I decided to use Google page speed online to identify what I can improve on. I got a score of 87/100 which I think is pretty decent. Nevertheless, I decided to look at the high priority issues.

    I realize that about 50% of the enable compression is caused by Ads and I decide to test out how much faster  my site will become if I remove that ad.

    Hmm.. no difference when I remove both ads but still I will remove the leaderboard at the bottom which I think generate very little traffic.

    Thursday, 5 January 2012

    Tracking the 'hot' posts

    In my earlier post, I mention that I implemented a new little text widget to maximise the exposure of a few articles. Here are the current statistics.

    5 Jan 2012
    CapitaMalls Asia issue 10yr Retail Bond - 378 views
    CapitaMalls Asia Bonds On Offer - 243
    CapitaMalls Asia Bonds 2012 - 200
    CapitaMalls Asia 10 year bonds – a quick FAQ - 146
    CapitaMalls Asia Public Offering of 10 Year Retail Bonds at 3.8% pa - awaiting stats

    I will let it run till a few days after the end of the announcement to see what the improvement is like.

    A neat little way to show hot articles

    There was a sudden jump in traffic these few days to an announcement of a particular financial product. Most of the traffic are directed at a few articles relating to that financial product. Hence, I brain stormed on how I could maximise the exposure of these articles.

    A few ideas come to mind. 

    1) Make the posts sticky. As an aggregator, new posts come in thick and fast. Making these posts sticky even for a few days will give the impression that no new articles have been added.

    2) Highlighting the post. Seems messy since readers will be scrolling down and wondering what those highlighted post are. Furthermore, once new posts are published, the highlighted posts will be push back.

    After some thought, the text widget is probably the best way to achieve my goal. However the default text widget is too plain and I wanted it to stand out. After some "Google-ing", I found the answer - Fancy Text Widget. It's not listed in WordPress plugin because it is not free. However, you can still download it for free. One way is to download the demo version. I think it's exactly the same as the full version just fewer images or you can download for free in wpsale (I stumble upon this accidentally). This free version contains more images than the demo but it is only version 1. The latest version is just one update newer and this free version is working nicely so no complains.

    Tuesday, 3 January 2012

    Step By Step Guide To Creating A New Finance Aggregator Site

    FeedWordPress Plugin Customization
    1) Download and installed FeedWordPress Version 2009.0707

    2) Require to upgrade of MagpieRSS after activating plugin (normal).

    3) Syndicated a test feed (http://thefinance.sg) and found a whole long list of unwanted code appended to each post. After testing on other feeds, realized that the rest are ok and the problem is only on my feed.
    4) Increased the excerpt length of the feed by editing ../wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/syndicatedpost.class.php (L74 and L75)
    Change the code to:
    if (strlen($excerpt) > 503) :
    $excerpt = substr($excerpt,0,500).'...';

    5) How do I make the permalinks for post titles open in a new browser window? or [Private]

    Note that since I will be making changes to index.php, archive.php and search.php in the theme folder, I will have to make sure I modify the files after each theme upgrade.

    For thesis theme, I have to modify custom_functions.php. Not going to do this because the general consensus is that opening in a new window is bad.
    Beware of Opening Links in a New Window [Usability and Information Architecture]

    6) How to make feedwordpress retrieve only a short excerpt and not the entire post? Feedwordpress : truncate the article

    Finally found the solution. Look for the file syndicatedpost.class.php and insert the code below above line 66.
     $content = substr($content,0,500).'...';
    It is basically similar to to the excerpt code, it will retrieve from 0 - 500 words and post it into the content. Hence my code look something like this now.
    $content = $this->item['description'];
    $content = substr($content,0,500).'...';
    $this->post['post_content'] = apply_filters('syndicated_item_content', $content, $this);

    7) Point Permalinks to the local copy on this website.
    Go to Syndication -> Posts -> Under 'Links' -> point to local copy on this website

    8) Add a 'Read full article' at the end of the single syndicated post
    Put this signature code to Thesis Theme, custom_functions.php
    // Signature -> http://diythemes.com/forums/showthread.php?p=74152#post74152
    function my_signature() {
    if (is_single() && is_syndicated()) { ?>
    <p><a href="<?php the_syndication_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><br/>Read the full article &rarr;</a></p>
    <?    }
    add_action ('thesis_hook_after_post' , 'my_signature');

    9) Next post permalink is 'screwed'

    Auto-resolved. I guess is because of point 7 - Point Permalinks to the local copy on this website.

    Thesis Theme Customization

    Sunday, 1 January 2012

    Tips on resolving Error establishing a database connection - WordPress

    This problem should be very rare in a blog that is already running fine and there were no major changes done to it. I can only think of a few causes:

    1. Someone change your wp-config.php
    2. Your MySQL database is screw up
    3. MySQL service is not running.
    For the first two causes, it will usually mean that your site is hacked. It is unlikely that your webhost screw up your files. The most probable cause is the last one.

    A sure way to check is to go to WHM and check MySQL service. I'm not sure if cPanel shows. I had problems restarting the service a few times.

    TIP: Using a cahce plugin like Total Cache or Super Cache helps to alleviate the problem since it will still show the cache post/homepage rather then a homepage showing "Error establishing a database connection". This will give you enough time to resolve the problem.

       here are some tips on how I resolve the error.